Friday, August 5, 2011

sauntering dogs and obedience school...

I have this dog

He is Wire Terrier/Rat Terrier/Shelty/TERROR!! He does not have a cute and cuddly bone in his body, and his name ironically is, Cuddles. Yes, I know you are probably thinking to yourself, "CUDDLES!? Who names a dog like that Cuddles???" All I have to say in my defense is, I was eight, ok!!??

I saw this furry un-cuddly little thing at age eight and the name that came to my mind was cuddles. It was all I could think at the moment because I was staring up at this tall lady grinning down at me asking what I was going to name my dog....Ugh I hate moments like that
So now that I have described my dog to you a little bit, I will tell you a little bit about his personality. A prime example would be last night. Picture this, I am yelling at the top of my lungs attempting to call my dog in for the night, and finally I give up with the optimistic idea that he will come to me when I call, and go out to the yard to get him. At the point of seeing me, he just stood there watching me with a grin of his face, no doubt proud of himself, thinking he must of made this master happy, that she would get an extra 200 steps of exercise, then deciding to further my exercise program, ran a few laps around the house while I chased him. After a few decades (or so it felt to me) he grew bored of this, and decided to go sit by the door grinning to himself as I ran panting up to the door, glaring at him and wondering why I had to be blessed with a dog with a distorted sense of humor.

After I stood by the door pointing inside and him "In", he saunters inside giving me "the" grin, then proceeded to take his royal seat on the couch. All the while containing this "air" about him that reminds you of perhaps that one girl that you hate that is part of the "snob squad", and makes you ponder to yourself if you could perhaps get lessons from him, because surely he must be an expert on the subject.

Talking about sauntering, surely he learned it from someone, is there a class for dogs?? Little do owners know when they take their dog to obedience school are dogs really learning, "The saunter??," or are are some dogs just born with it? Did I just get lucky and ended up with the King of them?

Or maybe he got it from my sister's dog, Pepper. For the sake of not having enough space on this blog to describe his personality, I will just tell you he was "special" and leave it at that, for the moment.

Pepper had the saunter down to the T, you would call him in for the night, and he would only show up at the exact moment where you have lost all your patience and are about to go get him, he would saunter up to you, walking past into the house, flashing you a grin, and look somewhat saying, What!! I couldn't come in until all the birds/rabbits/any living thing, was off our property!! I had to keep the house safe, those rabbits may look all furry and cute, but they are pure trouble. (His looks said alot)

Another example of his personality is whenever we would come back from our daily extensions...Upon hearing the car drive up, he would slowly get up from sunbathing on the grass, (no doubt working on his tan, and wondering where he put his tall iced tea.) He would then proceed to chase all the rabbits and birds from our yard, putting on a grand show, of his ability to protect our house. After he and cuddles had extracted all living things from our yard, he would lazily walk up to the car as we were getting out all the while saying, thank you! thank you very much! yes, that was a grand performance. Pepper then proceeds into the house to go get some of my moms grub, hungry after a long day of protecting his house. Or so he wanted us to think....

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