Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sleepover?? or awakovers???

I went to a "sleepover" last night. and I have to say, who in the world came up with the name sleepover??? You don't sleep!! you spend the night giggling, (especially after 3 A.M where you are past the point of no return and EVERYTHING is funny) and spontaneously breaking out in Justin Bieber songs and a few dance moves that slightly resemble a dying peacock because you have lost all hand eye coordination from a mixture of caffeine and sleep deprivation.

...a few hours later we attempted a volleyball practice... it wasn't pretty...
We spent the three and a half hours of scheduled practice: falling on our faces, (I felt we should blame it on the floor, maybe it was feeling lonely and needed a hug, you never know), missing balls, (the gravity pull felt a little stronger that day I decided), and randomly regretting the decision to stay up till the break of dawn giggling. A very productive practice I must say.

As a side note: there was a random shirtless dude riding his bike on the school grounds.  He would watch us attempt to play volleyball, ride off, and then come right back. Us girls, in our scheming, professional and very clear minded state- constructed an idea: that maybe we should scare him off. Thus, we started plotting his doom... hehehe...
After we had talked it out- we decided that the next time he showed up, we would all fall face down on the ground, imitating flattened pancakes. How this was supposed to scare him off... no one knows.... unfortunately he didn't show up again, so no one knows if it would have worked or not. (sigh) oh well... I guess we will just have to try it next time.

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