Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sleepover?? or awakovers???

I went to a "sleepover" last night. and I have to say, who in the world came up with the name sleepover??? You don't sleep!! you spend the night giggling, (especially after 3 A.M where you are past the point of no return and EVERYTHING is funny) and spontaneously breaking out in Justin Bieber songs and a few dance moves that slightly resemble a dying peacock because you have lost all hand eye coordination from a mixture of caffeine and sleep deprivation.

...a few hours later we attempted a volleyball practice... it wasn't pretty...
We spent the three and a half hours of scheduled practice: falling on our faces, (I felt we should blame it on the floor, maybe it was feeling lonely and needed a hug, you never know), missing balls, (the gravity pull felt a little stronger that day I decided), and randomly regretting the decision to stay up till the break of dawn giggling. A very productive practice I must say.

As a side note: there was a random shirtless dude riding his bike on the school grounds.  He would watch us attempt to play volleyball, ride off, and then come right back. Us girls, in our scheming, professional and very clear minded state- constructed an idea: that maybe we should scare him off. Thus, we started plotting his doom... hehehe...
After we had talked it out- we decided that the next time he showed up, we would all fall face down on the ground, imitating flattened pancakes. How this was supposed to scare him off... no one knows.... unfortunately he didn't show up again, so no one knows if it would have worked or not. (sigh) oh well... I guess we will just have to try it next time.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

volletball shorts- putting new meaning to the short in shorts

I start volleyball this Monday, and came up with this great idea. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier!!  It is to... actually not procrastinate- and actually get everything that I need for it today... rather than waiting till Monday and making a mad dash to the store, while attempting to keep my sanity, and some of my image as a calm, cool, and collected person. What is this phenomenon??? Call me crazy, but, I think a frantic redhead running through every sports store in town ranting about volleyball shorts and knee pads might just ruin the image...

Anyways the shorts: I was going through the shorts section in Kohls, and after approximately 50 billion years, I actually found the ones I was told I needed, and proceeded to  show them to my mom. It didn't look too hopeful. Unless of course you take your mom rolling around on the floor, laughing her head off, and wiping tears of mirth from her face, as a good sign. After recovering enough to get off the floor, she stood up, and asked me, what they were, and if it would just save time if she burned them now, then suggested we ask the clerk where the burkas were.

At that point I was losing all hope...

Then the rainbow appeared!!! :D
But not until a few stores later, where we found some shorts that worked, and didn't look like they would make a nun have seizure.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

more camping :D :D

I went camping this week with my brother's wives' family, and my family. And I have to say, for the first time my family has EVER camped, it went well.

The highlights of the week I must say were: the SUN!!... smore's... the SUN!!... camp fires... the SUN!!... Tanning!! (or in my case burning)... the SUN!!... jet skiing... and the SUN!!!!! :D. are you starting to see a pattern yet???

Oooo, on the subject of jet skiing I have to say, IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN!!! It was the first time I had ever ridden one and I had a blast- Though I do feel sorta sorry for the poor people riding with me. For some reason, I thought I would be a cautious driver and go verry slow. But, around the second minute of driving, I fully realized that I had great potential to be a crazy driver and was using my potential to the fullest...

I used my potential so well, in fact, that I dumped the suckers- oops, I mean occupants- that were driving with me twice. I have to confess, I fully enjoyed it, while trying to conceal a grin and a few malicious giggles to myself. (heh heh)

So, as my blogs posts are just not complete without me ranting about the weather a little bit, I will now do so. IT WAS AMMMMMAZING!!!!! I Loved It!!!
the sunshine... the fresh breeze blowing... the blue sky... (sigh) I think I will just die and go to heaven now :)

Now the weather was amazing, the weather's sense of humor.. not so much... Now, as you can probably guess, if you have read my other blog posts, the weather has it out for me...
It stays up late at night giggling evilly to itself, thinking up new ways to torture me, grinning while it plans for then next day.

Now you are probably thinking, "wait a minute.. didn't she just say the weather was amazing..."
And yes, ladies and gents, the weather was amazing. But, not to be outdone by making it sunny, it decided to make me at least a little miserable. (usually the weather just starts making it sporadically start raining cats and dogs when it feels like it, lending a hand to my misery)

Anyways, I was sitting in the car... soaking up the sun, grinning to myself, while listening to my Ipod and overall, in a happy mood. When, all of a sudden, a swarm of dead bugs flew through the window and bestowed themselves upon me in a rather demeaning can guess how I felt about this phenomenon.

Now you may ask, well, how do you know the weather did it?? I will answer. At what other time would you hear spontaneous evil laughs coming from the sky getting louder and louder each time you attempt to wipe bug guts off your face. It is obvious that it was weather related.
One might also ponder why the bugs were dead. Perhaps they died a moment after they splattered all over me, and came into contact with my glare. Or perhaps it was divine providence or something... One will always wonder.

Friday, August 12, 2011

"Bwahahahahahahahaha"-the weather

I am really bored at the moment so I decided to just randomly pick a subject and go with it.. and what subject got picked...(a moment of silence for suspense)  the weather...

Once again I am going to rant about the oh so wonderful western Washington weather (in case you can't tell, I was being sarcastic)
What brought about this idea to write about the weather you may ask...? Well I was sitting by the window staring outside at the rain, wondering what to write about as a blog post...
Then I was called downstairs to do some chores. Upon returning to my spot of pondering, once again staring out the window,  I wondered what to write about. Then, a sudden realization came over me. It wasn't raining anymore.... In fact it was quite sunny...
After I recovered from this realization, I came upon a second one... if it had only decided to stop raining about an hour earlier, today would have been an amazing sunny day, spent at the beach: soaking up the sun, and swimming my heart out..

but no, because it decided to rain cats and dogs for an hour later than it should have, I get to spend the day wandering aimlessly around the house, cleaning my room for the 20th time, and spontaneously ranting about the weather....

This is yet another glorious example of the weather's malicious sense of humor.

Friday, August 5, 2011

sauntering dogs and obedience school...

I have this dog

He is Wire Terrier/Rat Terrier/Shelty/TERROR!! He does not have a cute and cuddly bone in his body, and his name ironically is, Cuddles. Yes, I know you are probably thinking to yourself, "CUDDLES!? Who names a dog like that Cuddles???" All I have to say in my defense is, I was eight, ok!!??

I saw this furry un-cuddly little thing at age eight and the name that came to my mind was cuddles. It was all I could think at the moment because I was staring up at this tall lady grinning down at me asking what I was going to name my dog....Ugh I hate moments like that
So now that I have described my dog to you a little bit, I will tell you a little bit about his personality. A prime example would be last night. Picture this, I am yelling at the top of my lungs attempting to call my dog in for the night, and finally I give up with the optimistic idea that he will come to me when I call, and go out to the yard to get him. At the point of seeing me, he just stood there watching me with a grin of his face, no doubt proud of himself, thinking he must of made this master happy, that she would get an extra 200 steps of exercise, then deciding to further my exercise program, ran a few laps around the house while I chased him. After a few decades (or so it felt to me) he grew bored of this, and decided to go sit by the door grinning to himself as I ran panting up to the door, glaring at him and wondering why I had to be blessed with a dog with a distorted sense of humor.

After I stood by the door pointing inside and him "In", he saunters inside giving me "the" grin, then proceeded to take his royal seat on the couch. All the while containing this "air" about him that reminds you of perhaps that one girl that you hate that is part of the "snob squad", and makes you ponder to yourself if you could perhaps get lessons from him, because surely he must be an expert on the subject.

Talking about sauntering, surely he learned it from someone, is there a class for dogs?? Little do owners know when they take their dog to obedience school are dogs really learning, "The saunter??," or are are some dogs just born with it? Did I just get lucky and ended up with the King of them?

Or maybe he got it from my sister's dog, Pepper. For the sake of not having enough space on this blog to describe his personality, I will just tell you he was "special" and leave it at that, for the moment.

Pepper had the saunter down to the T, you would call him in for the night, and he would only show up at the exact moment where you have lost all your patience and are about to go get him, he would saunter up to you, walking past into the house, flashing you a grin, and look somewhat saying, What!! I couldn't come in until all the birds/rabbits/any living thing, was off our property!! I had to keep the house safe, those rabbits may look all furry and cute, but they are pure trouble. (His looks said alot)

Another example of his personality is whenever we would come back from our daily extensions...Upon hearing the car drive up, he would slowly get up from sunbathing on the grass, (no doubt working on his tan, and wondering where he put his tall iced tea.) He would then proceed to chase all the rabbits and birds from our yard, putting on a grand show, of his ability to protect our house. After he and cuddles had extracted all living things from our yard, he would lazily walk up to the car as we were getting out all the while saying, thank you! thank you very much! yes, that was a grand performance. Pepper then proceeds into the house to go get some of my moms grub, hungry after a long day of protecting his house. Or so he wanted us to think....