Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Luke... I am your father.. NOOOOoooooooooooo..

So just to ward off any confusion about the title of my blog having nothing to do with the actual topic of my post, I am going to explain. I couldn't think of a title.. Soooo I thought I might as well go with a Star Wars quote. Anyways, to begin my post  I am going to tell you some random facts that will confuse you, but that will soon make sense. At my school they are having a U.K trip for the seniors and juniors to go on in March 2013, in order to go on this trip you obviously need a passport, I do not have a passport, I need a passport, and my birth certificate is forged.. Haha just kidding about the last one. Anyways, yesterday my parents pulled me out school early to go to the postal office to get a passport. We arrived at the post office in our car and  proceeded to swim through the 7 feet of water meant to be a parking lot and into the building. After we dried off on a few discombobulated pedestrians, we proceeded to the back of the building. We were directed to a back office where we waited for about fifteen minutes to finally talk to a lady who strangely resembled Edna from the Incredibles. This was my first warning sign that things would not go as planned. She proceeded to make several wisecracks about me being the last girl in my family, and gave me a lecture about how I am eighteen and should do something useful with my life. Like get married. Anyways, we were almost completely through the process when "Edna" suddenly realized that my birth certificate was not filed the required one year after my birth. In fact, it was filed three years after my birth... This was a problem. I would not be able to file for a passport that day. The conversation went something like this: Edna-"So it will be fine if you go to the hospital and get her birth records". Mom- "she had a home birth so there are not records." Edna-"Ok, ok that will be fine, just get a signed document from her midwife saying when she was born ecc.." Mom- "Her midwife died two years after she was born.. " Edna- "Okaaaay, thats fine as a last resort you can get some records from her elementary school." Mom- "She was homeschooled..."  Edna-......
Anyways, everything ended up working out in the end. I just need to get four people who were present at my birth to fill out a sheet about everything that happened at my birth, and my mom to write an essay on why we cant get any of the previous documents mentioned and notarize it. We are going back this Friday, so wish me luck. Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat a lot and get fat :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

We have gathered here today in memory of good intentions..

Have you ever noticed that life is full of good intentions? Even worse, good intentions are put to death every day by  media devices and other more interesting distractions. You meant to take out the garbage today, but you just happened to accidentally get pulled into a trance by the lulling sound of the computer calling your name. Even worse, school is the ultimate killer of good intentions. This week I had a four day weekend, and I had a very noble intention of finishing all of my homework on Thursday, instead of Sunday night. Well, like many good intentions, this idea met a very noble termination along with the plan to clean my room. Instead, I have spent my weekend watching movies and playing video games. Who's fault is this? well, obviously it is my schools fault. If they didn't put such high expectations on me as a student I wouldn't have this problem!  Makes sense, right? Instead of having five tests I needed to study for, and homework in every subject to finish over the prolonged weekend, I could have two spelling words to memorize... Which could easily be put off until Monday morning and thus all good intentions would still be alive and fully functioning. Really, that is the solution to the slaughter of good intentions, just lower expectations! Anyways, as you can probably tell I just may have a problem with procrastination... Which brings up another subject, if someone made a pill to take away all will to procrastinate, they would be rich! I myself have considered creating such a pill, but I keep putting it off until the next day...

 On a completely different subject I was discussing with a friend recently about how lazy Americans are. Really, compared to some teenagers in other countries we have it very easy. Not much is expected of many teenagers other than to maybe clean their room and not fail school. Of course their are exceptions, but overall usually American teenagers especially are really undisciplined and lazy. Anyways, just putting that out there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

mam get off the floor, quit crying, and stop thanking me, all I said was hi...

Now I admit it, home schoolers can be a little strange sometimes, but what can you expect when a person spends 8 hours a day with no other social interaction then his math book, and ten siblings. I mean pi is great, but one can only be expected to stay sane for so long, when interacting with endless numbers all day.
Nevertheless, this post is dedicated to the proving that home schoolers are normal human beings, they are just a little different than everyone else.
The number one difference, usually brought up between the home schooled and public/private school goers, is social life. The difference being that pubic and private schoolers actually get one.
Now the myth that home schoolers do not get a social life is not true. We socialize with our family, and any misfortunate pets that happen to witness our sporadic sobbing and wailing for conversation with someone unrelated. The only way to cure these "socially deprived" people is to thrust them into a public school, and hope they survive their first 15 minutes of interaction with other human beings. If they don't, the only side effect is usually an eye twitch that shows up anytime someone brings up, "Josh who liked Betty, who liked Sam, but wasn't sure anymore, who thought he liked Lilly, but broke up with her after Nick said he might go out with Betty, who was jealous of Jenny, who decided she couldn't handle the drama, and ended up being homeschooled." Since usually, a home schooler's only exposure to drama before "normal" school is the cat throwing up on the couch, high school drama might come as a bit of a shock. The eye twitch usually goes away before death, but I can't guarantee anything.
 To accompany this post I am making a list of the most common questions home schoolers are asked, when they are thrown into the life of drama, communication, and the lack of poor pets who break out in a cold sweat and head for the hills anytime they see a sobbing homeschooler.
anyways the questions.
1. what do you do for social interaction?
2. do you know what the Internet is?
3. I bet your from one of those families with 12 kids.
4. does your family drive a bus?(to accommodate the 12 billion kids)
5. do you know what Utube is?
6. what do you do for prom (gasp), how can you live without prom??
7. how many languages do you speak?
8. do you get to sleep in to whenever you want?
9. do you even do school?
10. are you one of those persons who just wears skirts?
11. do you even own a pair of pants?
12. do you go to class in you pajamas?
13. so are you a nerd?
14. do you have finals?
15. do you get snow days?
16. so, are you going to college, or are you going to get married, have 14 kids, and home school them all?

Along with this list of questions, I am also adding a list of ways to spot a homeschooler from near, or far. Though I would suggest far since you might not want to get too close to them.

1. A bus is parked in the lot with an assortment of items all the way from diapers to SAT study guides, and handy little books on interacting with "the other people"(known as public schoolers)
2. A family is shopping at the store and has 5 carts, all the girls are wearing homemade skirts.
3. Any family anywhere with more then three people with hand made clothing.
4. When you are conversing with a two year old and he is explaining the difference between deism, evolution, and creation.
5. When the two year old corrects you on your use of grammar.
6 When the two year old's 5 sisters come along and offer to knit you a sweater.
7. When a seemingly normal teenager asks you, "what's that black thing your holding up to your ear and talking into?"
8. When you see a sobbing teenager on the floor thanking a lady for saying hi to him.
9. The moment when you are visiting a college campus and there is a 12 year old who has her masters in Microbiology.
10. When you are visiting a church who's congregation is mostly made up of the pastor's 18 kids and... the pastor's 18 kids.
11. When you see parents, and the mother looks like she hasn't slept in 48 hours, and has an apron on.
12. When socializing for teenagers means standing around debating about evolution and world politics with adults.
13. When you meet a kid who knows Arminisnism, the five points of Calvinism, and can debate both sides.
14. When the above happens, and they are debating it in Greek and Hebrew.
15. When a parent goes through all 15 names of the kids, before actually naming the kid's real name.

Just warn you guys I wrote this at 2:30 A.M, and at that time of the morning, all normal brain function has stopped for me. So if I wrote something weird, I blame it on the lack of sleep. And just clarifying, I used to be home schooled, and I really enjoyed it :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

here engine, engine... where are you?...

My family has gone through various cars the past few years, each car has had his own assorted and distinct personality. All through these various personalities my family has named, maimed, and terrorized each to a different extent, and slowly but shirly each has extracted payment with a satisfied vengeance on my family.
 I will start my narrative of past events beginning three cars ago. The first was the bean burrito: true to its name this car would not be imagined cruising through streets, hood down while being driven by a suave Kelvin Kline model.. No, this car would sludge through dark alley's, while being driven by a chuckling maniac, who is running over a young child's prized beach ball. The burrito inflicted much misery on my family as it had no floor, windows, or working brakes. We never knew when the brakes would come to a screeching halt, and my family would have to pull a Flintstones moment to try to stop the car(if you don't understand this you are a deprived child and need to look up that show). Nevertheless my family only drove this car in dire situations, and had to expel it from our repertoire after one particular vacation when the engine decided to take a leave of absence.
The next clunker was the rat. (named by my father) This car snuck through yards running over bikes and assorted lawn ornaments, whether there was a driver in the car or not. The rat was slightly better than our last, as it had a floor and working brakes, but it still had its quirks. The right window would spontaneously stop working, the locks would giggle maniacally and unlock right as the creepy guy was walking by our car, and the radio never failed to randomly turn on and blast out Katy Perry at the worse times. Like when you are talking to your pastor on the phone about Bible studies....
 And last but not least we have our most recent conquest, Alejandro... This car is a red sheek Saturn view, and unlike our other cars it has no unusual quirks other than it actually runs right. After the first two days of un-flawed driving, Alejandro succeeded in shocking my family in solemn silence, which is a rare occasion for my family. He still had not shown any personality traits that would  give reason for our insurance to break out in a cold sweat, but you never know. There is always time for mishap to make an appearance with his giggling comrade distress, with little Mr. injury just tagging along.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Poems/school :)

Hey everyone! It has been a long time since I have written a blog post but I have been so busy I haven't had time. So for all you fine feathered folks today I have some poems. Cause I am too lazy to actually come up with something to write, so here you go! :)

  Freedom reigns

All through life and time
Freedom should reign

Should be able to visit that steeple

Where they pray to God
Without having their rights being taken

Our soldiers have fought
And given their lives

For that which is right and true
 as long as the sky is blue

Freedom should reign for all
And for all be ready and waiting

If we lose the freedom to say
What we must

What will happen to this nation?
To every man at any station

We will waste those lives that fought
Not bought

The freedom to talk, to walk,
to enjoy life, and to pursue happiness, all this we shouldn’t mock

so pray
pray for this nation to turn to God

For the freedom that we all
Do love

While walking a path that’s lined with trees,
I hear a whisper so soft, a breeze,
The leaves are rustling and calling my name,
This time for silence I will so seize,

The scene I see if I could frame,
Would win a prize and thus much fame,
For this picture just in my sight,
Brings peace and solace to all the same,

I’m happy to spend my day and night,
Standing right here and loving this sight,
I heard a noise just where I stood,
A car is honking which isn’t quite right,

But then it passed as if I could,
Pretend it hadn’t disturbed this wood,
The silence is back I knew it would,
The stillness is here and it is good.

So there you go, my sad attempts at writing poems. Later folks!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

cackling cats and world peace

For U.S history this week we have been having a brief break from our usual vigorous textbook studies so we can learn something about the government. Last Thursday each student in my class took a bill. They could either make one up or use one already existing, and present the opposing and supporting side of it. There were heated discussions talking about changing the legal drinking age, whether daughters should need parental consent before getting an abortion, and whether gay marriage should be allowed, there were some grave and thoughtful debates. Annnnnd then there was mine....

A bill for having cats on leashes.-supporting
1. Cats go into other people's yard and mess up their property which causes hostility between neighbors so it would help neighborhood relations and unity.
2.It would give people even more chances for exercise because they would need to walk their cat, and thus helping America's weight gain problem.
3. It would help our economy because people would need to buy even more supplies for their cats, thus stores would make more money and wouldn't go out of business. Plus new inventions would be created to supply needs for this new bill, example- the cat treadmill.
4. The percentage of cat deaths would decrease, thus less money would be spent on young children's grief therapy.
5. The percentage of road kill would decrease.
6. The leash would help that ever present problem people have with their cats not coming when called, the cats would already be there, problem solved :D.

A bill for having cats on leashes-opposed
1. Cats are an independent creature thus they should be free to do as they will.
2. Less cats would have homes because of the extra time and expense needed to care for them.
3. The population of cats in the pound would increase and thus more cats would be put down, as they would be unable to care for all of them.
4. Cats would no longer be free to roam and thus wouldn't be there to kill the rats and mice in your community. So the rat and mice population would go up.

I don't think anyone was expecting that... Needless to say I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for it. Just imagine a world where all our cat problems are fixed. I don't know why someone hasn't thought of this idea before! When I first came up with this idea for the bill, I was just having fun. But, as the night dragged on and on and I tried to come up with ideas for opposing this bill, I couldn't. It became clear to me. We don't need world peace... or to have a global tax.... or to rid our world of all weapons!  We need leashes! by the Billions!!! all on cats!!! Bwahahahahaha!.....
annnnnd then after cackling to myself for awhile, I realized I was hallucinating and went to bed.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bible papers and space aliens...

I am writing this paper for my Bible class... I am supposed to write a 600-800 word paper on a man who's first information I read about him, and I quote says: "There was once a biography of Eusebius, written by his successor as Caesarea's bishop, but like so many other documents, it is lost. So we know nothing for certain about this historian's early life. He was probably born in Palestine, we think he was martyred but there is no way to know for sure." What!!! How in the world am I supposed to write a paper about a man who we barely know existed, much less anything about him!!....
I promptly started sobbing after reading that information...

Not only that, but we are supposed to write a captivating beginning and ending.
My only idea is that since we don't officially know how he died, I could add my own version of his death, perhaps involving space aliens... It would go something like this: One day, Eusebius of Caesarea was walking down the road, then suddenly a bright light appeared and an object came down from the heavens, he blindly tried to run away, but it was too fast... And!!!... it landed on him... the end.
The only problem is, I don't know how my Bible teacher would feel about this...

christmas cheer :)

Can you believe Christmas is only THREE DAYS AWAY!!! It seems like only yesterday I was tearing my hair out and attempting to get used to the school week. Now I can relish one week of pure relaxation and another week of vacation freaking out, worrying about how I have to go back to school in 7...6....5...4...3...ect days. All the while worrying about all the unfinished homework I have been pushing off to the next day. You know what the thing is about procrastinating to the next day is? well there is always another day maniacally grinning at you after the next, calling you to just put everything off to the next day.
I can hear it: you don't really have to study for that test Hannah.... I mean just think of all the T.V shows you have missed all this school year, you don't want to disappoint them do you??
And of course, I feel obliged not to embitter the next day, so I put off my ever present homework to the next.

On the continued subject of Christmas, today I am going to finish all my baking. I am making cherry truffles, gingerbread men, and coconut balls covered with chocolate(I would give you a specific name for them but I don't know what they are called). yummm :) can't just feel the weight being added on??
You know I never understood how people can wait until a few days before Christmas to finish their shopping, until now. There just isn't time!!!! By the time you get of school you aren't thinking about shopping, you are thinking about catching up on all the sleep you have lost during the school year so far. Which I have to say, I have done an excellent job of doing.
I hate to admit it, but I have officially become one of those people who waits until two days before Christmas to finish their shopping (sniff). The first step to recovery is addmitting you have a problem, right?? It is three days before Christmas and I still have most of my shopping to do.
Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful day!
P.S I wrote this three days before Christmas,
but haven't had a chance to post it, until now. :)