So just to ward off any confusion about the title of my blog having nothing to do with the actual topic of my post, I am going to explain. I couldn't think of a title.. Soooo I thought I might as well go with a Star Wars quote. Anyways, to begin my post I am going to tell you some random facts that will confuse you, but that will soon make sense. At my school they are having a U.K trip for the seniors and juniors to go on in March 2013, in order to go on this trip you obviously need a passport, I do not have a passport, I need a passport, and my birth certificate is forged.. Haha just kidding about the last one. Anyways, yesterday my parents pulled me out school early to go to the postal office to get a passport. We arrived at the post office in our car and proceeded to swim through the 7 feet of water meant to be a parking lot and into the building. After we dried off on a few discombobulated pedestrians, we proceeded to the back of the building. We were directed to a back office where we waited for about fifteen minutes to finally talk to a lady who strangely resembled Edna from the Incredibles. This was my first warning sign that things would not go as planned. She proceeded to make several wisecracks about me being the last girl in my family, and gave me a lecture about how I am eighteen and should do something useful with my life. Like get married. Anyways, we were almost completely through the process when "Edna" suddenly realized that my birth certificate was not filed the required one year after my birth. In fact, it was filed three years after my birth... This was a problem. I would not be able to file for a passport that day. The conversation went something like this: Edna-"So it will be fine if you go to the hospital and get her birth records". Mom- "she had a home birth so there are not records." Edna-"Ok, ok that will be fine, just get a signed document from her midwife saying when she was born ecc.." Mom- "Her midwife died two years after she was born.. " Edna- "Okaaaay, thats fine as a last resort you can get some records from her elementary school." Mom- "She was homeschooled..." Edna-......
Anyways, everything ended up working out in the end. I just need to get four people who were present at my birth to fill out a sheet about everything that happened at my birth, and my mom to write an essay on why we cant get any of the previous documents mentioned and notarize it. We are going back this Friday, so wish me luck. Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat a lot and get fat :)
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