Have you ever noticed that life is full of good intentions? Even worse, good intentions are put to death every day by media devices and other more interesting distractions. You meant to take out the garbage today, but you just happened to accidentally get pulled into a trance by the lulling sound of the computer calling your name. Even worse, school is the ultimate killer of good intentions. This week I had a four day weekend, and I had a very noble intention of finishing all of my homework on Thursday, instead of Sunday night. Well, like many good intentions, this idea met a very noble termination along with the plan to clean my room. Instead, I have spent my weekend watching movies and playing video games. Who's fault is this? well, obviously it is my schools fault. If they didn't put such high expectations on me as a student I wouldn't have this problem! Makes sense, right? Instead of having five tests I needed to study for, and homework in every subject to finish over the prolonged weekend, I could have two spelling words to memorize... Which could easily be put off until Monday morning and thus all good intentions would still be alive and fully functioning. Really, that is the solution to the slaughter of good intentions, just lower expectations! Anyways, as you can probably tell I just may have a problem with procrastination... Which brings up another subject, if someone made a pill to take away all will to procrastinate, they would be rich! I myself have considered creating such a pill, but I keep putting it off until the next day...
On a completely different subject I was discussing with a friend recently about how lazy Americans are. Really, compared to some teenagers in other countries we have it very easy. Not much is expected of many teenagers other than to maybe clean their room and not fail school. Of course their are exceptions, but overall usually American teenagers especially are really undisciplined and lazy. Anyways, just putting that out there.
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