Friday, July 22, 2011

she was joking, right???

I have been thinking lately about what it is going to be like this fall when I join "the other teenagers" and actually start going to school...
 my sister and I were talking about this the other day and she helped me come up with this Acronym for high school
H- hurling


I am hoping and praying she was just kidding around and wasn't hinting in her own way what I should expect this fall....

on a different subject today was the last day of VBS and it was AMAZING!! I LOVE THE KIDS!!! the only downside is now I miss them :( and its kind of sad to think I won't see them again (sigh) :( oh well..
anyways all the kids were great, except one kid who decided it was her solemn duty the whole week to do the exact opposite of what I what I asked her. Apparently she didn't understand the meaning of no. She seemed to get some sort of pleasure out of seeing if she would make me slowly but surely go crazy...
and I am happy to say say she didn't succeed in her goal... even if I do develop a sudden and very severe eye twitch whenever ..."her"... name is mentioned. But, I am sure I will get over it soon...

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