Now if you have ever spent any amount of time in Western Washington, there has probably been something you have noticed- not the Space Needle... not the Pike Place Market... but, the rain.
When people visit from China to see the great city of Seattle they don't remember the city,
they remember pondering to themselves if they should have brought a boat with them, so that they could get to their hotel without drowning.
Now of course it is good to keep everything green, but it has gone past the point of keeping everything green to drowning everything it can get its slippery hands on.
Also, like everything else out there to get me, and ruin what would might have been a perfectly good week, I think it too has a evil sense of humor. Have you ever noticed how the day can start out as sunny, warm, and a semi good day, only to be crushed when it decides to rain cats and dogs all the while you hear spontaneous sinister laughs seemingly coming from the sky while you get soaked to the bone.
And it seems that these days mostly happen when you plan some big event, like an outdoor birthday party... a day at the lake... or the biggy, your outdoor wedding that you have been planning since you were six years old and specifically placed in August, just so that assuredly it would be sunny, right? I think not. And even worse when you pick this special day and it just ends up being the only day in August that it rains. coincidence? Nope. Like I said before, the weather most assuredly has a malicious sense of humor. It's out to get me.
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