Thursday, May 26, 2011

So to start out this post I want to say that I don't think people will really be reading this blog, so I am basically just going to write really random things and whatever is on my mind.... You have been warned.

So anyways back to the wonderful subject of school, I have a placement test tomorrow for a private christian school I am going to attend this fall tomorrow and am really nervous about it. Yep you read right, after 16 years of homeschooling I am going to join "the other teenagers" the people that get social lives and that have actually get up before 8:30 during the school week, scary right? I mean it is going to be nice to have a social life be able to do volleyball and basketball with people I know.
 But, as I mentioned before I will have to start getting up early which is going to be pretty hard for me, especially because if I get less than 8 hours of sleep I slightly resemble one of the leftover cast from night of the living dead. ya, not a pretty sight.
so ether I will have to start going to bed early, (which will also be hard to accomplish because according to my friend the academics is crazy hard and it will be hard to finish all my homework in time to get to bed early) or learn how to survive on less sleep...

On a different subject my golf banquet was today. We went to a restaurant at a golf course where I live, ate, watched a slide show, and my coach passed out some certificates saying things like good job ecc... all in all the best golf banquet I have been to, which I can say of course because it was my first golf banquet I have ever gone to. Anyways that is all I have to say today. Refer to my other post for the apology about my English skills.

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